Thursday, August 23, 2012

George W. Bush Believes Wife a Target for Terrorism

George W. Bush spoke with me today in an interview about the importance of catching terrorists. He was very adamant when he said that terrorists are discovering new ways to terrorize America.

"For instance, while I was President,  we had a disturbing act of terrorism at my local Wal-Mart. While Laura was shopping for some new work socks of mine, she discovered that all the packages had be ripped open. Before she called for her secret service members, she took a closer look of the socks with some tweezers."

I asked the former president how this could possibly be an act of terrorism.

"The sock all had holes in them! My wife was distraught and scared. Her guards had to take her to the local hospital to treat her for shock. I always laughed when I had my advisers spread unfounded fear among the population. Rumors that small towns, and schools and grocery stores would be targeted next."

I asked the president if he had changed his mind.

"For sure, for sure. I never thought what I had told my advisers would go from fabrication to the honest truth. If only we had known that Osama had planned such an attack."

Daniel Hines
Reporter for SatireSanity Inc.


  1. This is hardly a laughing matter. Remember the radio controled model airplanes? Any idea how fast one has to run to escape those things. I know why they're wearing towels on their heads too, it's to minimize the planes impact upon their scull.

  2. I agree that some aspects are not a laughing matter. But I did redirect it into something different. As I said, this is not intended to offend anyone. I fully intend to write satires on both sides of the table.

    Thanks for reading though.
