Friday, September 21, 2012 Has No Respect For It's Members

WebRing has recently come under fire from enraged bloggers, claiming that WebRing is adding unauthorized content to their sites.

"I went to my blog this morning and my page was in chaos. The navigation bar that WebRing requires on member sites had been altered from it's vertical view in the left sidebar to a horizontal view that stretched over my blog content."

"Unauthorized by me, WebRing has added this 'Power Surf Bar' at the bottom of my blog. Not only does this require redirecting my blog viewers to a WebRing server, but it messes with the code in my navigation bar."

When this issue was brought to the attention of WebRing's legal department, they sent this reply:

"It sounds like you have the power suf tool enabled.  Click the OFF link to disable it.  You can also explicitly disable it via the Account settings from your admin area"

We are disappointed that the legal department does not know how to use periods at the end of their sentences.

Users report that they followed the instructions from the statement issued WebRing's legal department, but it changed nothing.

"It had a partial effect. Now when I go to my blog, I sometimes find my website is no longer being illegally hacked by WebRing. But every so often the 'Power Surf Bar' returns, destroying my blog setup."

WebRing staff released the following statement.

"WebRing allows similar blogs to form a small network, a network that helps spread audience throughout the other members of the ring. To use this service, members must put a small navigation code in their blog, in either vertical or horizontal format. To the claims of those who feel invaded by our 'Power Surf Bar', we quietly laugh. Did you not read the user agreement? You agreed that has full rights to your blog. If we want to put something on it, you have no say in the matter. Our members are merely pawns that we use as we like. We offer no support to those idiots who did not read the agreement. We are WebRing and we are gods. So screw you."

The bloggers in question responded by contacting the renowned hacker group, "Anonymous", pleading that this group destroy the WebRing servers.

"It is time WebRing understands how powerless they really are."

Satire Sanity News Corp 2012 

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